The Interpreter Directory helps you quickly find interpreters who are ready to work, simplifying your search every step of the way.
Quickly Connect with Skilled Interpreters!
OHCIA Annual Packages
Empower your organization with access to a variety of healthcare interpreters. Choose from our packages to meet your needs for talent acquisition, brand visibility, and job advertising. Visit here to get details and learn more information about our annual packages.
$449 /year
Full access
Monthly email of the updated list
$549 /year
Full access
Monthly email of the updated list
Display your organization’s logo
$699 /year
Post up to 6 job ads on OHCIA's social platforms for 2 weeks each
A La Carte Packages
Interpreter Directory List
$85 (One time Fee)
Includes: Access to the Interpreter Directory List as a one time purchase. The list is a static document with all interpreters on file at the time of purchase.
Full access
Single Job/Ad Posting
$35 per Ad
Includes: Ad placement on the OHCIA website and across all social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) for a period of 2 weeks.
Logo Placement
$70 per month
Includes: One-month logo placement for organizations seeking temporary visibility.
Full access
Monthly email of the updated list
Display your organization’s logo
Disclaimer: By using OHCIA’s Interpreter Directory, you acknowledge that OHCIA does not verify the information provided by interpreters or organizations and assumes no liability for any interactions, agreements, or disputes that may arise. Interpreters and organizations are each responsible for verifying the credibility of their information and engagements.
Access the OHCIA Interpreter Directory!
Save time and effort in your interpreter outreach and recruitment efforts by accessing our Interpreter Directory.
Gain access to approximately 200 new interpreters each year
Increase your visibility to interpreters who are actively seeking work opportunities
Easily connect with interpreters who match your language, location and availability needs